Justin is running the Philadelphia Marathon on Nov 23 (which is his first marathon, too). He’ll be posting about that soon. I’m hoping to give Jus some fun competition…gotta run fast and set a tough time to beat - let’s see what damage I can do! ;)
This is just the beginning for us. December will mark the start of our 7+ month training for Ironman Lake Placid 2009 and we’ll be blogging about our journey the entire way. Keep check on us, send us encouragement, and put us back in our place if we start whining and crying as we train through the winter.
Our coach is pro triathelete, John Hirsch. Check him out, he’s pretty sick. We’re psyched to be working with John ... this past year we’ve gotten to know him, meet members of C.R.E.W. and witness his and his athlete’s success first hand. There was no doubt we wanted him coaching us to our first Ironman.
To the right are our training logs that John put together for us (Justin’s will be up soon) – we’ll update these regularly so that you can see what we’re up to. Big thanks to Joey for saving us from using our brains and letting us copy his spreadsheet! Soon we’ll add our 2009 race calendar and all that fun stuff.
Four days and counting…
I didn't even read this yet, just wanted to be the 1st to post a comment!
PS Boston sucks
Smack talkin' already, huh? ...careful you don't get knocked over as Jen and I fly by you on Sunday. We'll give you a lil wave as we pass by.
oh boy... Joey is like those people on facebook who write "first!" on the walls.
I'm excited to have ANOTHER blog to go read and further procrastinate any lesson planning I need to do. I've added you to my daily list to visit! :)
See you on Sunday for your first big marathon!!!!!!
<3 Cork
Liz, you will be strong and steady. You are my athletic idol, go girl and kick butt!
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