Last season, in pictures my family took from races, I noticed that I look sloppy when it comes time for the run. I’ve posted 2 pictures taken during the run at the RI 70.3 – look at how uncomfortable I look, esp. my flopped over hand! I don’t even know where my right arm is in that picture, it's non-existent. One goal for this coming season is to run with good form, even when I’m tired. I’ll need proof in the form of a picture, let’s hope I get it.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Perfect running form
Monday, January 26, 2009
My Own Little Paradise
Friday, January 23, 2009
A Mild Day
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Running off the cupcake!
A pic from my run: what is supposed to be stairs is now just a hill made of snow.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Delicious Birthday Cupcakes
Weekend fun times
It warmed up to 7 degrees on Saturday and we both had a ride in the plan. Ugh. Ok, I will not give myself a hard time for resorting to the trainer – it’s just too cold outside. Onto the trainers we go (we brought them with us). Justin kicked out his planned 2 hrs while I stayed on for my planned 3 hrs. Remarkably, it wasn’t too bad. The geniuses we are, we set up shop in the same room as the fireplace so it was much like riding in a sauna (maybe it wasn’t THAT bad, but there was a steady stream of hot hair the entire time).
I woke up the next morning beat. I was just tired and had absolutely no motivation to get myself back on the bike for another 3 hours, swim or run (which were all in the plan for Sunday). Justin neither. It was snowing that morning and a ride outside was not gonna happen. We both had off on Monday and with it being a holiday (no work); we switched the two days and let ourselves rest on Sunday. We spent the day relaxing, hanging out with my sisters, and doing much of nothing, it was great.
Monday morning I woke up nice and early by Reese, my sister’s dog licking my face. I headed downstairs and immediately hoped on the bike and started another 3 hour ride. Though temps were now in the 20’s, the roads were bad and I couldn’t get myself to even consider riding outside. Justin reminisced on the old days and went to the high school wrestling practice and got beat up by a bunch of boys ; ) We were on our way back to Boston by 2:30pm. Once back, we threw on the running shoes and went for a 40 minute run. We both overdressed and thought it was funny how once you experience REALLY cold weather, 30 degrees don’t seem so bad. We both missed out on our swim yesterday, but I’m not sweatin’ it. I was passed out on the couch by 8:30pm last night which is a sure sign of exhaustion.
Today is my birthday!! I brought my swimming stuff with me to work with the plan to go to the gym tonight. We’ll see if the plans change :-Z
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Little Catch Up
Friday, January 9, 2009
It's soo cold
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Manna rays = no ocean swims!
Well, not still, rather starting to train hard. Mexico wasn’t what we expected in terms of natural resources for working out so it wasn’t so much sticking to the plan but instead doing whatever, whenever, however we could do it. Our hotel was on a busy, narrow, windy, shoulder-less road which made for some fun and cautionary runs. It’s always nice to run on unknown territory cause you don’t know what’s around the corner and that seems to distract you from your actual workout. These are the best types of workouts, in my opinion. No biking for us while away, the co. we were going to bike through was not to be found, unfortunetely. As for swims...well...that's a whole other story.
The first day there we headed to the ocean for a 45 minute swim. We swam about 40 yards out to get past the waves and not even 10 minutes into it I look down and a manna ray was right below me (later we saw a 10ft manna ray 15ft from shore on the following day from the pool)! Sea life freaks me out – you’ll never see me swim as fast as I did that day, on my way out of the water (well, maybe the time I saw a shark in St. Croix, that was pretty freakin scary, it might be an tie breaker). That was that, I was done swimming for the day. I got the guts to make it back out there again, but I stayed closer to shore for a quick emergency exit, if needed.
At the end of the trip, nothing put us in a better mood than deboarding the plane and having 2 degree temps. welcoming us back. Because I slacked off on vacation, I am replacing my recovery week (this week) with last week. Yesterday called for a run. I was excited because it had snowed and rained all day and I was anxious to test out the Pearl Izumi Syncroseek III WRX shoes I got for Christmas. Water resistant and breathable…YUP! These shoes are awesome! I was running through puddles, snow piles and on ice just to see how they held up and at the end of the run, not a single spec of water made it through these things – awesome. Check em out: