Well, not still, rather starting to train hard. Mexico wasn’t what we expected in terms of natural resources for working out so it wasn’t so much sticking to the plan but instead doing whatever, whenever, however we could do it. Our hotel was on a busy, narrow, windy, shoulder-less road which made for some fun and cautionary runs. It’s always nice to run on unknown territory cause you don’t know what’s around the corner and that seems to distract you from your actual workout. These are the best types of workouts, in my opinion. No biking for us while away, the co. we were going to bike through was not to be found, unfortunetely. As for swims...well...that's a whole other story.
The first day there we headed to the ocean for a 45 minute swim. We swam about 40 yards out to get past the waves and not even 10 minutes into it I look down and a manna ray was right below me (later we saw a 10ft manna ray 15ft from shore on the following day from the pool)! Sea life freaks me out – you’ll never see me swim as fast as I did that day, on my way out of the water (well, maybe the time I saw a shark in St. Croix, that was pretty freakin scary, it might be an tie breaker). That was that, I was done swimming for the day. I got the guts to make it back out there again, but I stayed closer to shore for a quick emergency exit, if needed.
At the end of the trip, nothing put us in a better mood than deboarding the plane and having 2 degree temps. welcoming us back. Because I slacked off on vacation, I am replacing my recovery week (this week) with last week. Yesterday called for a run. I was excited because it had snowed and rained all day and I was anxious to test out the Pearl Izumi Syncroseek III WRX shoes I got for Christmas. Water resistant and breathable…YUP! These shoes are awesome! I was running through puddles, snow piles and on ice just to see how they held up and at the end of the run, not a single spec of water made it through these things – awesome. Check em out:
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