This week I decided I am re-motivated and ready to dive in head first. I had to travel to Ft Worth, TX for work so I packed up my new running kicks (Mizuno Wave Elixir 4s) and some warm-weather running gear. Upon arrival in Texas, I've found its a lot colder than expected (H55 L34) but that just means that locals were too cold to go outside and overcrowd my run route. The low temps has made this city a virtual ghost town. I missed yesterdays run b/c of work so I woke up early this morning, wound my way through the city, and hit the Trinity River running route. The starting temp in the low 30's ensured I had the place too myself- though a couple people in the city commented that I must be crazy for running in shorts. Its hard to see from the picture but I started from the office where the picture was taken and ran along the river thats hiding behind the big glass building on the right (total run was about 6 miles). The goal is to get in 1-2 more runs before leaving tomorrow afternoon and maybe an hour bike at the hotel gym.

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