Last night was my company's holiday party. This year it started earlier in the day and was in the office (instead of at a restaurant) which is cool with me. It was a fun time with lots of chatter, games and delicious food (mind you I only had 1 meat ball, 3 shrimp and maybe a couple of peanut butter cups - great control on my part!). The party ended at 6pm after which everyone went out on the town. Being the disciplined athlete I am (ha!) I hoped on the T at 6:15pm and headed home instead to go for a run. My motivation has been real low lately but this week has been great and I didn't want to end my streak last night. Home by 6:45pm and out the door for my run at 7pm. I was jealous cause Justin had just gotten home from his run which made me REALLY not want to run! I was out quick though so that I didn't give myself the opportunity to back out of going.

Temperatures were dropping last night so it made for a cold run. I went the usual route down the Charles River. The way out had an awful headwind that made me feel like my nose was going to fall off. I was giving so much effort just to move forward. The way home was awesome though as I had the tailwind pushing me along. The trail was pretty empty - a few runners here and there, but just a few. I stopped with a min left in the run to snap a pic in front of Faneuil Hall and it's xmas tree. Thanks to Jus, I'm rockin' my new night vision jacket from Brooks - like? I'm blinded from just looking at it.
I took a hot shower afterwords and ate prob the worst turkey chili we've ever made for dinner (but still not bad). Tonight I have off - yay! - and couldn't be looking forward to the weekend more than I am right now!
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