Well, it's been just about two weeks since I ran my marathon and I've gotten a total of two workouts in since! I'm on a roll... I was so excited to be in my off-season and I think I took it to the extreme. I'm not thinking twice about it though, as my body needs to enjoy the sugars, fats and utter laziness that it so rarely gets to enjoy. Luckily, Justin has the NYC marathon in a few weeks so he's still sticking to a strict diet, despite my wanting bad foods. So, at least dinners have been healthy. My snacks, however, not so much. Reese's peanut butter cups and snickers! CVS had them on sale -$3 for two bags - who can resist that deal!! Not me. So these bad boys sit in the freezer just waiting to get eaten, which will be soon :)

Today I went for a nice, leisurely run. Nearly 70 degrees with sunshine, it was the perfect day to be outside. I switched between running and walking for about an hour and half - love the workouts where I don't need to pay attention to my watch. Part of my run today was an exploration through Roosevelt Island. This loop was pretty cool as you're on trails the whole time and away from traffic. It's escaping to the "woods" in the middle of a city. Here are some pics I took along the way...
And, just so everyone knows, I successfully registered for the Boston Marathon 2011! Registration opened at 9am on 10/18 and I was on the site ready to sign up right when it opened. I started to panic because the registration page kept refreshing to a empty form whenever I clicked the submit button. Freaking out that I was doing something wrong and wouldn't get in (Justin told me earlier that week that it was expected to fill fast), I headed to Twitter and searched for #BostonMarathon to see what the deal was and if everyone else was having the same issues I was. Turns out, they were. An hour later someone sent out a working link to registration (BAA had a broken redirect due to heavy traffic, apparently) and I got in first try - phew! Just 7 hours later, the marathon filled and registration closed - a record breaking time (last year it took 2 months). It's not a huge surprise, based on the stats showing the rapid growth of marathon runners over the years, but still, no one was truly expecting a one day sell out. As you can imagine, with the major fall marathons having not even happened yet (Marines, NYC, Philly), there are a lot of angry peeps out there that have been training their butts off to get into Boston and now can't. Given the massive backlash BAA has received, I'm pretty sure there will be major changes next year - adjustment of qualifying times, getting rid of some of the charity slots (5,000 slots are held for charity runners), increasing the race size, introducing a lottery system???? All are options (some good, some very bad), I'm interested to see what they decide to do to fix the issue. But, for now, I am thrilled to be registered - this has been a goal of mine since I started running marathons and I can't wait for April 18th!!
Woot woot for Boston marathon!
PS - How did you get the countdown clocks on your blog? I can't figure it out. I want one on mine. :) Yes. I'm copying.
Click on any of the countdown clocks and it'll bring you to the page where you can set your own countdown. Once you have the HTML code, go to Design in your blog > add a gadget > HTML/JavaScript > paste coding in provided field.
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