On Sunday, November 7, Justin ran the NYC Marathon. He killed it, setting a PR at 3:37:15, good enough to place in the top 24% of his age group, which is so rad. CONGRATS JUSTIN, I'm so happy for you! We got to track him in real time with the sweet athlete tracker Joey put on his ipad (such an improvement from the delayed text messages that usually overflow your phone once the runner has FINISHED the race).
I'll get him to post a race report soon - maybe this will be his official return to the blog? Maybe ;)
In the meantime, here are some pics from race day:

Justin's on the right in the yellow shirt - mile 16.5

Support crew, toughing it out in the cold.

GO JUS GO - mile 24.5, so close!
At the finish - YAY!
With finishers medal :) Now time to get some grub!
YAY Justin!!! Congrats on running the NYC marathon! :) Wish I could've made the trip up to join the support crew!
Thanks Courtney. I really loved running this race and it was really nice of Joey/Jenn to head in to the city.
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