Exactly 30 days since the NYC Marathon and 104 days since the Timberman 70.3 (my last triathlon), I hopped on the bike trainer to start my training for IM Canada 2011. It's 30 degrees and windy so I was more than happy about an indoor ride.
After a year away from Ironman, I'm looking forward to the serious training. For the 1st time in 3 years, I'm going the self-coaching route. I'm a bit anxious about whether I can create a strong enough plan and stay dedicated enought to PR at both the 70.3 and 140.6 distances. I'm hoping the blog will keep me honest...
*Can anyone guess the background show?
I know it!! But that's b/c I was there watching it... in my pjs on the couch :) 8hrs standing on my feet was a good workout for me!
Best of luck with the training this season, Justin. I'm sure you'll do just fine on your own, you have enough experience with Ironman training, as long as you continue to push yourself, you'll PR!
I can't guess the show... hoping someone else will make a guess!
Thanks Courtney- fortunately I have another month before worrying about my diet :)
If no one else has guessed by now, I doubt its forthcoming...I was watching HIMYM.
OH MAN!!! That's what I was going to guess!!!!! And it would've been a totally cheater guess - because I didn't actually watch it, but I googled what was on CBS before 10pm on Monday night, and saw the show was titled "The Captain".
Should've made the guess! :)
Good luck Justin! You will do fine coaching yourself, I don't doubt that. I will be following January 1st :(
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