Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome to my weekends

Working retail is tricky when it comes to planning out my workouts for the week. Take this week for example. I had put together my training plan with the habit of doing big workouts on the weekends - two days off to do lots and wear myself out tired. However, my weekend this week was yesterday and today - two straight days off. This meant I had to rearrange the schedule and motivate myself to get the big workouts in early in the week versus later in the week which can be hard to do! Fortunately, I got a good day in yesterday of biking and running and I plan to do a 13 mile run today, whenever the weather decides to let up before the snow, followed by a 30 minute swim (which I didn't get to fit into yesterday). It's been tricky but hopefully I will start to get use to the change up and the lack of consistency in my weekly schedule.

This week was the official start to my Boston Marathon training! WooHoo! There are twelve weeks until the race and I am already super excited. I've decided to add something new into my marathon training this time around - tempo runs and strides. I figured this would be a good idea since I PR'd at my last marathon and I would like to see if I am capable of anything more. Adding these into my training will build the speed I need, hopefully. I'll keep you posted on how it's going since this kind of training is new to me.


Yesterday it was 45 degrees out and I could not pass up the opportunity to enjoy a run in the warmer weather while it was around. Note to self: Craft baselayer and Mizuno thermal tights are not good running gear for 45 degrees.... I was sweating! (but not complaining). I got to watch the sun set during the run along with lots of other runners. Picture was from yesterday: sunset behind the Lincoln Memorial - pretty, even though you can't really tell in the picture.

1 comment:

les2320 said...

Gosh, I wish I could see the grass in CT. All I see is snow, snow, and more snow. I am getting sick of winter and can't wait till April comes!