Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Mental Game

Sorry for the blogging vacation- lots of non-training stuff going on but we'll be back to posting this week.

Luckily, last week was recovery and just happened to fall at the same time that I got sick. I spent the start of the week just going through the motions, making myself log the training hours and not really caring about anything but finishing. As the week dragged on I realized that as much as being sick sucks, it forces me to push past all of the excuses and go. Not every or workout is going to feel good.

Last season started with St Croix...the weather went from calm, to downpour rains, to Carribean heat. Being from Boston, I wasn't used to the heat and struggled throughout the day- it didn't help that I crashed my bike in the rain and lost my water bottles early in the race. All race, thoughts of giving in and quitting kept popping in my head but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did so I set smaller goals (like passing someone on the uphills or refusing to walk during the run) and trudged across the finish line. Finishing was extremely rewarding even though I missed all of my pre-race goals (other than finishing and biking the Beast w/o walking).

About a month later, JoJo and I raced Mooseman. Race day was freakishly hot (100 + degrees during the run) and the lake temp a brisk 59-60 degrees. I tried adjusting my race plan to rbeak 6 hours and ended up bonking badly...missed my time by a few minutes.

Point of all this reminiscing- my "A" race last year was RI 70.3. Another blazing hot day that saw a lot of people crumble on the course. B/c of my stubborness during St Croix and Mooseman, RI didn't seem too harsh. I'd done bigger and badder during training/other races and never really worried about RI.

So as I train for IMLP, I've started to welcome the rough workouts. Training sick or in the snow may seem crazy and useless from a fitness standpoint but they've been priceless in building my mental fitness. All things to look back on and use on race day!

Here's a shot from this weekend's mountain biking ride:

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