Thursday, March 26, 2009

Training is going strong

(Hi All, Liz here) Yesterday was another long run - 2.5 hrs covering just under 16 miles. I've been told to keep my HR below 155 on these runs, which has forced me to go slower than I usually would, but I'm not complaining - just as long as I can go fast when racing. I was pretty pumped for yesterday's run and early into it a song played on my shuffle that got me running way too hard. I forced myself to turn the music down and concentrate on my run pace.

So that Justin could enjoy some carbs for dinner in his post workout window (he's in recovery week), he met me 25 minutes into the route of his run and we finished the last 25 minutes together and cooked up a delicious chicken marsala over pasta meal.

Awhile back I said I was going to do a before and after shot to compare what the Charles River looks like during winter vs. spring/summer. Well, here is you winter - taken a few weeks back (6:15PM and 40 degrees):

Spring/summer coming soon...

And, as side note, I've decided to give up on tracking my training log. There are too many spreadsheets I have to continuously update that adding this one just wasn't working out (as if you couldn't tell - the last time I updated it was 2/16). Sorry!

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